Thursday, August 22, 2013

Carseat canopy for Baby K

So this is Thursday. 
The week has flown by! (So today needs to be as productive as they come.)

I have had some nieces born this past July. Two. And they are precious as they come. 

I am showing the CARSEAT CANOPY/strap covers I made as a gift for Baby K.

It started out because I want to hand make the gifts for the babies born this year.
(as long as I have time, energy etc)

Also, the fact that it gives me an excuse to buy new fabric (ha)
and make a project that I have been wanting to try but needing an occasion. 
(Also known as a deadline. You know those people who work best under pressure?? My name is RIGHT there)

Without further nonsense, here are the photos I took before giving it to Baby K.

 This shows the canopy when the bow shows while shut and then opened.

Since I was going on vacation, I just finally made the coordinating Infant car seat strap covers that I put on Facebook yesterday.

Here is the photo.

I love it. 
Makes me hope for a girl since the choices of fabrics and *everything* 
are SOO much more fun and abundant than for boys.

Thanks for looking! 

Ps. I'd love if you left a comment if you made it this far!